What If You Could Have Your MOST Successful Interior Design Biz With High Profit, Low Stress And Easy Confidence...
...Especially if you're a Creative, Sensitive or Empath!
Listen up all savvy professional interior designers running your own design business! 
Whether you started 8 years ago or 8 months ago, I know you wrestle with these soul crushing stressors

  • Separating yourself from your competitors
  • Identifying your optimal services... (Hint: These are the Super Powers you should be promoting!)
  • Attracting ideal clients, better clients, more clients AND managing clients like a PRO
  • ​Refining, setting up, and managing your business for Profit Maximization and Efficiency... for starters!
If even ONE of these stress-creating profit-drivers resonates with you... 

You are in the right place!
If you're anything like I was in my earlier years in business, then I know you're so ready to earn more, stress less, erase the overwhelm, and access your most authentic confident “you.” 

Imagine feeling at ease and excited about your well-earning business. ALL WHILE BEING the CREATIVE, SENSITIVE OR EMPATH you are, which is what 99% of all designers are too.  

Contrary to popular belief, and so many business schools, your creative nature is NOT a weakness in business. That is a load of B.S. 

I’m here to tell you that when you learn to lean into your creativity and sensitivity, along with proven clear design biz strategy, it can unleash momentum and biz success you probably don’t even think possible.

As Creatives, Sensitives or Empaths, we naturally feel “the currents” more than others, and the inherent stress involved in running an interior design biz can be particularly taxing for us.
In fact, it’s downright exhausting going it alone.
You may even have what I call Lonely Leader Syndrome.
It’s that endless, lonely cycle of trying to figure it out yourself, spinning your wheels, jumping from task to task with no throughline - and maybe even commiserating with other designers who are struggling with the same problems, but who have no solutions. Youch...

Designers report in alarming numbers that they are heavily weighed down by high stress and burnout combined with low earnings, profit, and peace. Muscling through it alone only leads to more stress and suffering. 

And confidence? What the hell is that?!

Stop beating yourself up. The truth is, most design business owners in their first 8 years of business are not where they want to be…

The stress and fatigue are too high, the earnings are too low, the pipeline stress is never-ending, client management isn’t always a walk in the park - and quality of life is either out the window or in the toilet.  

I’ve seen too many talented designers get discouraged and either continue to play small or just quit. They mistakenly believe that being a "Creative", and not a business-school-person, means they’re probably not hardwired for success - BIG success - and definitely not with ease.
But, that's where you're WRONG, my lovely.
It’s not you! It’s that you bought into the chatter - and don’t yet understand how to lean into your creative nature combined with the right design biz strategy to synergistically propel your success
You want that hugely successful design biz. I want it for you too!
You want more money, a full pipeline, and clients you love working with.
Marketing and networking should be a breeze, not the bane of your existence...
Imagine waking up each day with your creative and biz tanks feeling full and literally thinking, “Oh my gosh…I’m actually living my dream. I get paid to do this.”

Instead of being where you are right now, on the hamster wheel of striving and struggle, with a side order of compare and despair…comparing yourself to other designers you THINK have it together. 

The reality is this... 

The business world doesn’t know how to teach Us Creatives and Sensitives to rock it in business.
We need a seamless plan of action and proven business strategy that works AND acknowledges our nature, and uses that to create momentum. Yes, when you combine amazing design business strategy with your personal make-up, it makes monetizing creativity a clear, seamless path.

Without that, my friend, you’ll continue to struggle, and it’s not a lack of effort on your part…
  • Maybe you have been trying to muscle through and yet you’re not gaining any traction.
  • ​Maybe you’ve tried working with business coaches, but they’ve missed the boat because they're left-brain business thinkers and not Creatives or Sensitives so they dole out approaches that leave you feeling burnt out and overwhelmed using their tactics.
  • ​Maybe you are stuck in procrastination station, burning yourself out, or ready to quit altogether because “maybe this business owner thing isn’t for you…”
And, what's worse is...
If you don't solve the problem now, you'll end up even further down the rabbit hole of failure and have nothing to show for it except the aftermath of high stress, burnout, and financial meltdown.
That’s why I created The Successful Design Biz Academy for interior designers like you, who are running their own design business and crave a hugely successful biz that is highly profitable and emotionally fulfilling. 

SDBA combines powerful, proven and actionable business strategy with marketing and mindset - it's a holistic approach for people with creative natures. As we build your business, we also build YOUR inner clarity and confidence.

You want to say no to the soul-crushing exhaustion and fatigue from trying to muscle through the chaos and confusion of business ownership, especially as the talented designer, Creative, Sensitive, or Empath that you are.

I created this for you, just for you, as an empath myself. I know the struggle is real, but my wise and talented friend….I have carved the path for you. I’m ready to take you there.

And you’ll be relieved to know that everything that you get with The Successful Design Biz Academy isn’t going to cost you $15,000. (...my colleagues thought I should price it there, or higher.)

But, I knew I wanted to empower more Sensitives, Creatives, and Empaths like me to ROCK their design businesses, so ….
A high-touch, one-of-a-kind interior design business online coaching program where I teach Business, Marketing and Mindset Mastery for Greater Profit (& Peace!). It's geared specifically for interior design business owners who are Creatives, Sensitives or Empaths so that you learn and apply my proven methods and processes to build your greatest business success - but doing it by leaning into your nature as a Creatives, Sensitive or Empath. This synergy will unleash your greatest confidence, clarity and success! 

The Successful Design Biz Academy is designed specifically for professional interior designers who have been in their biz for 9 years or less, or who are billing under $350,000 each year. 

This is PERFECT for you if...
You want to bill more, love your biz, fill your pipeline, grow your confidence and let us not forget the best part….earn more money, stress less and finally be more confident, at ease, and excited in your business again. 
You get your first or next high-paying client.
You receive raving testimonials from your perfect clients.
You feel more confident and at ease in your business than ever before - even holding your head higher around colleagues at industry events.
Before you know it, you are the high-earning, in-demand Interior Design Business.
Now, How good would it feel if you could...
  • Feel excited by your earnings. Yes... EXCITED.
  • ​Turn away the wrong clients because you don't need the business.
  • ​Feel new confidence, knowing exactly what to do to move forward with ease in your business.
  • ​Network like a pro with easy confidence to steadily fill your client pipeline.
  • Experience financial success and inner peace - yes, you can have both!
  • ​Go from endless self-doubt and negative self-talk to centered, confident, clear, calm - and oh yeah... CONFIDENT - in ONLY 6 months!
YOU've tried it your way...
NOW how about trying it my way? (Said the empath and coach who launched her, now, 7-figure design biz at the start of the 2008 recession!)

You’ve tried muscling through, but had no luck because the methods taught for those “business-types” don’t work for us Creative-, Sensitive- or Empath-types. :) 

Maybe you tried working with "business coaches" who fell short because they're non-creatives, or just not sensitives or creatives. The disappointment you felt at having taken a chance with it but it just didn’t “take” - it didn’t kick in or sustain itself. 

It's NOT you. It's the process you tried. 

Maybe now, you endlessly procrastinate and suffer through the agony of running a lacklustre business heading toward burnout. Negative self-talk runs through your head - “...how could you ever possibly succeed as a ‘creative-type’?”

Sound familiar?
I get it because i've been there.
I struggled with starting my own interior design biz, and during the 2008 recession to boot. I tried hiring business coaches and taking programs, but they all fell short because they didn’t address "me" - my sensitive and empathic nature (like most other designers and creatives). The more I tried, even making progress, the more anxiety I felt. I thought there was something wrong with me. And, I felt embarassed for feeling the way I did - so I told no one.

The coaches didn't get me.

But, it wasn't just that...

There are massive moving parts in a design biz and coupled with the constant pressure and inherent stress… It was particularly taxing for me and trying to muscle through it all nearly did me in…
My whole life I thought my sensitive nature was my weakness. I honestly did. I even tried to be more like my husband, my female biz coach, my cousin…anyone other than me!

Nothing worked, until…

I discovered how to turn what I perceived as my creative sensibilities and sensitivity into a powerful tool that created clarity, confidence, momentum…and success. When I used and applied it to excellent and proven design business "success strategies" and processes that I’d created along the way.

No lie: My husband (the noncreative, non-sensitive guy whom I adore), eventually even asked me, and I quote:

“How the hell do you do and create what you do? You’re incredible.”

I had figured this out. I knew I had uncovered the keys to my success and my business had changed forever.
I have built an award-winning, highly sought-after 7-figure luxury design firm that helped to mold and shape me into the wise design woman, coach, mentor, and author that I am today.
I want the same for you, my lovely...
...whatever your goal. Your first high 5-figure year? Your first 6-figure year? Higher still? ;
The Successful Design Biz Academy is
unlike any other 6-month design business coaching program...
...because I developed it to help other designers just like me, and who want to go from stress to success in ways they never dreamed possible. 

And yes, I am a highly sensitive empath who has built an in-demand 7-figure interior design business, which I started at the beginning of the great recession.
The Successful Design Biz Academy is made up of 6 content-rich program modules. Inside each module, you will discover multiple bite-sized and actionable video trainings so you can achieve your desired results FAST.

Here's what you'll learn in each module:
Getting the power 
Building Momentum to more success
Building offers & building muscle
In this foundational module, you’ll discover how to build the solid and scalable foundation of your business, while uncovering the 3 pillars of your greatest success, so you grow and scale your business with confidence and ease.

In this module we'll cover:
  • Running & Building a Successful Design Biz as a Creative, Sensitive or Empath
  • The 3 Pillars to Your Greatest Success
  • ​Design Biz Foundations For Success
  • Where you are today, Where you Want to Go Tomorrow
  • Mindset Work for Creatives That Builds Confidence & Clarity
  • ​Conquering the Social Media Beast
You’ll learn to master your mindset so you can charge your worth, and get quality clients you LOVE working with and finally scale your income.

In this module we'll cover:
  • The Thought Purge & 45-Minute Mindset Shift
  • ​Creating Design Service Packages You Love to Market & That Sell Themselves
  • ​Evaluating & Setting Your Optimal Fees & Pricing Your Services
  • ​Building Your Portfolio & Photography Hacks to Get You Started
  • ​Taming the Website Beast
You’ll learn how to step into your super power as a design business owner and create offers your clients crave, so you can sell with ease and create raving fans.

In this module we'll cover:
  • Mastering the Mindset & Heartset Model to Flip Obstacles Into Opportunities
  • Developing & Refining Your Service & Product Offerings For Maximum Success
  • ​Networking to Fill Your Pipeline Made Easy
  • How to Charge: Fixed Fee, Hourly or Donna’s No-Fail Hybrid Model
Client acquisition & Basic client management
advanced business models & strategies
You’ll learn how to master the art of finding and onboarding clients with ease, so you can save your time and energy for income-producing tasks you actually want to do - like designing!

In this module we'll cover:
  • Finding Clients: What Works & What Doesn’t
  • ​Client Vetting to Get the Best Ones
  • ​First Appointments That Lead to Closing the Business (...to charge or not to charge!)
  • ​Booking the Business With Ease
You’ll learn how to develop the skills and systems that will make scaling and growing your business a simple and seamless process.

In this module we'll cover:
  • Building Your Support Network
  • ​Advanced Packages & Productizing Your Design Business
  • ​Advanced Networking & Becoming A Design Authority
  • ​Systemizing Your Business to Increase Profit & Lower Stress
You’ll learn how to power up your design business by upleveling your marketing and hiring a powerhouse support team that will take your business to new heights.

In this module we'll cover:
  • Advanced Social Media & Advertising Your Design Biz
  • ​The Design Fingerprint Process That Streamlines The Design Process & Amazes Clients
  • ​The Power of The Monday SWOT Analysis
  • ​When to Outsource, How to Outsource & What to Outsource to Scale Your Design Biz
My student vera tripled her income!
She did it using the proven systems and strategies inside the Successful Design Biz Academy - and YOU can too!
While The Successful Design Biz Academy is made up of 6 jam-packed core modules, I couldn't stop there. I knew you needed more than just some videos to succeed, so I dug in and put together the accountability, tools, and resources you would need to truly succeed.
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take a look at what some of students
are saying about sdba...
"SDBA changed my business & my life. I LOVED the quality of the material & that we focused on the 3 pillars every week. It wasn’t one sided, but multi-faceted. I LOVE how real & honest Donna is. You get a sense of her personality in the videos. ANYONE who takes this program will find so many things to help in their business . I am NOT the same businesswoman I was 6 months ago!"

- Marcia B.
SDBA Alumni

I don't just teach how to build a highly financially lucrative interior design business, especially for creatives, sensitives and empaths; I actually do it. I use this EXACT method for myself and my clients to help them achieve a hugely successful design biz and emotionally fulfilling work they love doing and feel GREAT doing. I am NOT just repeating what every other expert says.

I'm not JUST a Luxury Design Biz Owner and Leading Interior Design Coach. I've been working in the interior design business for 15+ years and I've been building and running a 7-figure, multi-award winning luxury interior design business which I started during the recession of 2008. I've also been coaching in interior design and business for 15+ years. 


​I've helped my coaching clients to earn more money with less stress and overwhelm while feeling more confident, at ease and excited about their business again. And I’ve helped them avoid the challenges of going it alone, trying to figure it out themselves, spinning their wheels while believing that because they are a "Creative" type, and not a typical “business-person” that they cannot achieve financial success with minimal stress.
Hi, I’m Donna Hoffman!
I’m a Luxury Design Biz Owner and Leading Interior Design Coach who helps professional design biz owners, who have been in business for 9 years or less or who bill less than $350,000/yr, to master the art of building and scaling a highly-profitable and successful design business, particularly as a Creative or Sensitive human.

After nearly 20 years spent building-and-running a 7-figure, multi-award winning luxury interior design business, I’ve learned exactly the real, in the trenches, struggle as a Creative or Sensitive (or Empath) who tend to be on the hesitant side when it comes to kick a$$ business: signing better clients, naming higher fees, having confident money conversations, selling like a pro, managing client demands after the contract is signed, and managing your own business like a CEO!

Over time, I discovered how to create a hugely successful design biz that is highly-profitable and sought-after, allowing me the space to focus on the emotionally fulfilling work I love, without the fear, procrastination or burn out that I see too many designers face. And, I started my business during the Great 2008 Recession!

My process model works. It works not just for me, but for the designers I coach to hit their highest success. I'm ready to do the same for you.
This program is right for you, if you are...
  • In your design business less than 8 years, or, you bill less than $300,000 per year.
  • ​Ready to build and promote your design offerings and finally earn more money.
  • ​Willing to create and refine your biz plan to kick stress and overwhelm to the curb once and for all.
  • ​Ready to STOP trying to muscle through and start leaning into your Sensitive nature as the momentum power tool that it is.
  • ​Willing to do the mindset work so you can build your confidence and feel at ease and excited about your business again.
my promise to you...
I’m a business owner just like you. I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in a program. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that doesn’t get results.

I’m extremely proud of the products and programs I create and I know anyone who buys them and implements them will be thrilled with their purchase.

That’s why I’m offering a 14-day money back guarantee. While I can’t guarantee that The Successful Design Biz Academy will get you a 7-figure business, I can guarantee your satisfaction with the quality of the program trainings, resources, and coaching.

Of course, If you’re not happy with The Successful Design Biz Academy, I will refund your money within 14-day guarantee days of your purchase.

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What’s standing in the way of you finally getting to earn more money, stressing less, ditching the overwhelm, and getting more confident, at ease and excited about their business again?

I know how hard it can be to take specific action. That's why I designed The Successful Design Biz Academy to make it easy for you by making it concise and actionable so you stop wasting your time and spinning your wheels and incredibly priced with an affordable payment plan to make it accessible to business owners everywhere.

When you click the "YES! I WANT THE SUCCESSFUL DESIGN BIZ ACADEMY NOW" button below, you’ll be brought to a checkout page where you can enter your payment information.

This is a special offer and it will not be offered again this year. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.
The Successful Design Biz Academy was created so you don’t have to experience financial strain any more. Investing in yourself is an important and serious part of running and growing a business. It’s the single most necessary step to take if you are serious about your results. I’ve invested in coaching too because I know it’s a powerful tool to short hand learning curves and speed up results. Inside this program, I’ll show you exactly how to earn more money as a designer, so you can achieve financial freedom once and for all.
I stand by my 100% money-back guarantee within 14-day guarantee days of purchase. No worries. Just send our team an email at customerservice@theinteriordesignadvocate.com within 14-days and we'll refund your payment in full.

Fair words:
No bonus materials are released until after the trial period. I want to give you a fair opportunity to look around at the program and even attend a zoom meet up with me, but I’m not interested in freebie seekers, thus the policy on bonus material release. 
The doors to this program close on Wednesday, February 1st at 11:59pm EST and will not reopen again this year… Plus, you might miss out on some amazing bonuses that like golden tickets to success. Do not drag your feet. Invest in your success now, and reap ALL the benefits later… 6-months from now to be exact!
You are not alone in this program. Inside the private Facebook community where you will have a sisterhood of incredible designers ready and willing to raise you up. In addition, you will have two opportunities each month to be coached, mentored and support by me, Donna Hoffman.
You will receive an email immediately after purchasing. We'll open the doors to our online community on Wednesday, February 1st so we can get to know each other before the program officially kicks off on Monday, February 6th. 

You will receive an email from my team on February 6th with your membership area login information so you can login and access Module 1. Over the next 6-months, a new module will be released in your membership area on the first Monday of the each month.

If for some reason you don't receive our emails, check your spam folder, or contact us at the email address below: customerservice@theinteriordesignadvocate.com.
This is a 6 month program. To encourage you to dive in and be present, materials are released monthly to keep you moving. At the end of 6 months, you will be given a 7th month grace period to do any module catch up or to download printables or use the private FB Grup. After that time, all program access is released. 

However, alumni can opt back into the following years program for a fraction of the initial investment.